Making a Gift

The Annapolis Symphony Orchestra is deeply fortunate to have been supported by the Annapolis region for nearly 60 years. Your support helps us to put Capital Sound on stage—the world’s greatest music, right in your backyard.

We offer a variety of options for supporting your Orchestra:

  1. Make a gift today
  2. Make a long-term commitment
  3. Additional ways to support The Annapolis Symphony Orchestra

Support the Orchestra with a Legacy commitment

Legacy gifts including charitable gift annuities, life insurance or retirement plan beneficiary designations, and bequests can provide a donor with considerable tax savings while securing future support for the Symphony. Please follow this link to learn more about Legacy Giving options.

Additional ways to support the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra

Make a gift of stock: Many people choose to contribute by transferring securities rather than making a direct contribution of cash. By choosing this method of giving, you will not pay any capital gains on your gift, and you may be able to claim a Federal income tax deduction based on the full fair market value of the securities on the effective date of your gift.

Support the Symphony with an IRA distribution: A direct transfer from your IRA to the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra can be a great way to make a tax-wise gift. For more details, contact Director of Development, Marie Treanor.

Make Your Gift Today

Online: Follow this link to Donate Now via our secure website.

Via Check: Please complete our downloadable pledge form here and send it with a check made out to The Annapolis Symphony Orchestra to the following address:

The Annapolis Symphony Orchestra
801 Chase Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

Over the Phone: Call us at 410-269-1132 to make a gift by credit card. Payment plans are available.

In Person: Stop by the Symphony office at Maryland Hall to make a gift in person.

Click here to download our Donation Form.