Chair – Shelley Row, PE, CSP
Founder, Blue Fjord Leaders; former Director, ITS Joint Program Office, USDOT
Vice Chair – Katherine “Katie” Edwards, MD
Medical Director, Annapolis Pediatrics
Treasurer – Stephen Sotack
Advisor, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Fannie Mae
Vice President, Finance – Ann Whitcomb
Owner and President, Omnifics (retired)
Secretary – Monique Langston, MD
Private practice/Practice owner: Dr. Monique Y. Langston and Associates, P.A.
Mary McKiel, PhD, Immediate Past Chair, President, The McKiel Group
Robert Arias Engineer, Hewlett-Packard (retired)
Georgianna Crosby, President, PivotCX
William (Bill) Davis Chair, Annapolis Rotary Club Foundation, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch (retired)
Ginger From, RN, Hospice of the Chesapeake (retired)
Sonja Gladwin, Organizational Development/Leadership Coach
Charles Grudzinskas, Managing Partner, NDA Partners
Collot Guerard, Esq.
Michelle Hellstern, Healthcare Executive/Adjunct Professor
William Hoff, Chief, Audit and Integrity, HSCRC
Deb Howe, Esq., Franke Beckett LLC
Mimi Jones, President, Jones and Ladd Inc.
Jeanne Kelly, Encore Creativity for Older Adults (retired)
Elizabeth Maxwell-Schmidt, MD, Attending Physician, Doctor’s Emergency Services, P.A. AAMC (retired)
Marie Treanor, CPA, State of California; Chair of the Parent Leadership Council at Fordham University
Christine “Tina” Young, Director for American Battle Monuments Commission, Captain, USN (retired)
Florence Calvert, Associate Broker, Coldwell Banker Church Circle
Jill Kidwell, Co-Founder, CareProvide LLC, Vice President, IBM (retired)
José-Luis Novo, Artistic Director & Conductor
Ann Tran, FASO Board Representative
Alexandra (Sasha) Mihklin, Musician Board Representative
Kristin Bakkegard, Musician Representative,
Players’ Committee