
Kevin Grasel


What city are you living in now? Alexandria, VA

Where did you study? Oberlin College and Conservatory: BM in Horn Performance, BA in Politics. The Juilliard School: MM in Horn Performance.

What is your favorite piece of music? It’s a tie: Beethoven Symphony No. 7 and Brahms Symphony No. 4.

What do you enjoy in your spare time?  I love basketball, and I’m a big fan of my hometown LA Lakers. I also enjoy cooking, hiking, board games, spending time with my wife Bailey, and lounging at home with our two spoiled cats.

What is your fondest Annapolis Symphony memory? Mahler’s Symphony No. 6 in 2023. It was my first time playing that piece, and my first time performing with the ASO – the orchestra sounded great! 


Hornist Kevin Grasel, a native of Moorpark, California, joined the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra as Assistant Principal Horn in 2024. He has been a member of the United States Air Force Band since 2017, where he has played for three US Presidents and six foreign heads of state. As a member of the Ceremonial Brass, he performs daily in ceremonies at the White House, Pentagon, and Arlington National Cemetery.

Kevin also holds the position of Second Horn with the Apollo Orchestra. He is a member of the Beltway Brass Quintet and frequently performs with the Maryland Symphony, Alexandria Symphony, and Barclay Brass.

Kevin received a Master of Music degree in horn performance from The Juilliard School in 2017. He completed his undergraduate work at Oberlin College and Conservatory, where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in horn performance and a Bachelor of Arts degree in politics. He received fellowships for summer study at the Aspen Music Festival and the Round Top Festival Institute. His principal teachers include Erik Ralske, Roland Pandolfi, and Louise MacGillivray.