ASO Black Friday Sale

ASO Offers Big Black Friday Sale

ASO Offers up to 50% OFF Single Ticket Performances

The ASO five-year plan emboldens the organization to bring more music, in more places, to more people. With this in mind, ASO Executive Director Edgar Herrera is pleased to announce a Black Friday sale that will make it easier than ever for patrons of the Symphony to give the magic of music.

The sale applies to single ticket performances in the 2022-2023 season, including Holiday Pops and Masterworks III, IV, V and VI at Maryland Hall and Strathmore.

Click Here to Buy Tickets and Use the Code BLACKFRIDAY

There are a few conditions:

  • The sale applies to single ticket purchases only.
  • Sale dates are November 15-30, 2022 only.
  • Patrons and guests may purchase up to 4 tickets for any performance of Holiday Pops, and Masterworks III, IV, V and VI.
  • Tickets for Strathmore performances are not yet listed on their website; therefore, patrons interested in obtaining discounted tickets to those events must email our Box Office at with their interest, name, and phone number before November 30.

Box Office Inquiries

Please contact Maya McAtee at 410-263-0907