Orion Youth Orchestra Special Mother’s Day Concert


Press Release

For Immediate Release

May 2, 2023

Annapolis Symphony Academy elite-level “Orion Youth Orchestra” to perform a Mother’s Day concert conducted by Annapolis Symphony Orchestra Conductor José-Luis Novo on May 14, 2022 at 3 PM at Maryland Hall. 


The Annapolis Symphony Academy Orion Youth Orchestra will perform a concert alongside Annapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians in a performance at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts on Sunday, May 14th at 3 PM. Tickets to the performance are available at AnnapolisSymphony.org.

What is the Orion Youth Orchestra? 

The Orion Youth Orchestra is “the jewel of the Annapolis Symphony Academy,” said founder of the Academy Netanel Draiblate. “Many of our students started playing by age five and have progressed through the stages of ensemble musical training. Their participation in the Orion Youth Orchestra is the apex of their pre-collegiate musical education.” 

Orion students perform alongside Annapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians, who serve as mentors. “Patrons in the audience will be blown away by the caliber of the music from these young people,” said José-Luis Novo, Director of Orchestral Activities and Conductor of the Orion Youth Orchestra. “When the ASO musicians join the ensemble, the students rise to the occasion in a breathtaking way.” 

Playing with Professionals

ASO musicians are among the best players in the region. Draiblate, Concertmaster of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra, says many of the musician-mentors are the best in the country and notes that the opportunity for students to learn from this caliber of skill and excellence is a privilege. “Our ASO musicians are kind, knowledgeable, experienced, and amazing at assisting the students in rehearsals and concerts. The side-by-side May 14th concert is a highlight for our students, and they look forward to playing next to their ASO mentors.” 

Music Program 

Playing with a full orchestra is a unique and essential way for students to practice performing. “We want to provide this serious performance opportunity to our students,” said Draiblate. “We also want to show our supporters, patrons, and families the high level of achievement the students are capable of.”

The upcoming Orion Youth Orchestra concert incorporates one of our main goals: diversity,” said Maestro Novo. “In this case, we are featuring diversity in programming.” The program includes Felix Mendelssohn’s vibrant “Italian” Symphony, contrasted by Claude Debussy’s smooth melodies and expressive harmonies. To add to the diversity, the Orchestra will also perform pieces by Russian composer Igor Stravinsky and add a special Latin flavor with Arturo Márquez’s Danzón No.7, conducted by Shun Yao, ASO assistant conductor. “We are immensely proud of our young musicians and their ability to tackle and perform multiple challenging musical styles in one concert,” said Novo. “It is a testament to the hard work they put in throughout the semester”. 

Since its founding five years ago, the Annapolis Symphony Academy has embraced making music education accessible to anyone who wants to learn music, regardless of social, cultural, or financial considerations. “Through the incredible generosity of our donors, the Academy awards up to fifty percent of its annual tuition revenue in need-based scholarships,” said Draiblate. 

About the Orion Youth Orchestra

Orion is a high-level, tuition-free youth orchestra for advanced students looking to play symphonic repertoire, learn from ASO musicians, and most importantly, study under ASO music director Maestro José-Luis Novo. Students in Orion excel in their craft because they have made a certain level of playing that distinguishes them from others in their field. Students can audition to join Orion at any time by visiting www.FreeYouthOrchestra.com. The Orion Youth Orchestra is grateful for the ​​financial support of Bill Seale and Marguerite Pelissier. The Academy thanks founding donors Peter Chambliss and Jane Campbell-Chambliss for their generous contributions.

About the Annapolis Symphony Academy

The Annapolis Symphony Academy is changing lives by providing accessible high-level musical education to students of all cultural and economic backgrounds while addressing the under-representation of minority musicians in the classical music field. Half of the Annapolis Symphony Academy student body is composed of minorities under-represented in contemporary orchestras of the United States. The ASA employs a model that emphasizes interaction and mutual respect. This model provides a diverse student body: it merges two overlapping, non-identical concepts of equality into one program. Students are selected for the program strictly based on merit and their drive to learn and become better musicians. Regardless of a student’s cultural background and through the incredible generosity of our donors, the Academy awards up to fifty percent of its annual tuition revenue in need-based scholarships. To learn more about the ASA, visit tunedtoyouth.org.

About the ASO

The mission of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra is to inspire, educate and enrich lives near and far by creating extraordinary musical experiences with uncompromising artistic excellence. As we celebrate our 61st year in Annapolis, we are more intent than ever on bringing More Music, To More Places, For More People.

The Annapolis Symphony Orchestra offers subscription packages, both for in-person and virtual viewing, as well as tickets for single in-person programs. For more information and purchase tickets or subscriptions, see AnnapolisSymphony.org/events or contact the box office at 410-263-0907.

Media Inquiries

Please contact Diana Love, Director of Marketing and Communications. Phone: 410-267-3631. Email: DLove@AnnapolisSymphony.org