Nicole Boguslaw


Nicole Boguslaw headshotWhat city are you living in now? Baltimore, MD

Where did you study? I earned my DMA at the University of Maryland. Before that I did an artist’s diploma with the San Francisco Academy Orchestra, got my master’s at Catholic University, and did my bachelor’s in music performance at University of Louisville.

What is your favorite piece of music? Right now it is Mozart’s String Quartet K. 428

What do you enjoy in your spare time? I love spending time outdoors with my family, traveling, and reading.

What is your fondest Annapolis Symphony memory? My fondest memory was my first concert with the ASO, everyone was so welcoming to me and everyone sounded so good!


Dr. Nicole Boguslaw has been playing cello since the age of eight and has been teaching for the past fifteen years. She earned her doctorate in cello performance from the University of Maryland in 2022, and taught at the university level both there as well as at Anne Arundel Community College. As an orchestra musician, she is a section cello member of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra, and has played with the Washington National Opera Orchestra, the Maryland Symphony, Alexandria Symphony, and the Apollo Orchestra. In 2016 she won San Francisco Academy’s concerto competition and soloed with the SF Academy orchestra. She has performed while touring across Europe, the Caribbean, and North America. Recently she collaborated with artist Jonathan Latiano for his installation Love to the Letter and the Letters Spelled Death at the Boston Sculptors Gallery. She currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland where she frequently plays in her piano trio, Rock Creek Trio.