Orchestra Concertmaster Turned Airline Violinist Takes Off as First Officer With Endeavor Air
This month, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Netanel Draiblate will take off as First Officer with Endeavor Air, becoming the only known orchestra concertmaster to assume this position in a commercial flight deck. Learn more!
FASO Celebrates Mardi Gras in March
The Friends of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra (FASO) announce a celebratory fundraiser for the ASO “Mardi Gras in March”, featuring food, spirits, dancing, and music by The Quintessence. The event will be held Saturday, March 18th, 2023 from 6 to 9 PM, at Live Arts Studio in the Westfield Annapolis Mall. Tickets are available on the ASO website at AnnapolisSymphony.org.
Annapolis Symphony Academy Orion Youth Orchestra to Perform
The Annapolis Symphony Academy Orion Youth Orchestra will perform a concert alongside Annapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians in a performance at Kerr Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, December 17th, at 7:30 PM. Tickets to the performance are available on their website TunedtoYouth.org.
Annapolis Symphony Musicians Perform with Annapolis Opera
For many years, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians have provided music for Annapolis Opera productions. This unique partnership benefits both organizations, and provides even more opportunities for supporters of the ASO to enjoy more music, in more places.
ASO Black Friday Sale
The ASO five-year plan emboldens the organization to bring more music, to more places, for more people. With this in mind, ASO Executive Director Edgar Herrera is pleased to announce a Black Friday sale that will make it easier than ever for patrons of the Symphony to give the magic of music.
FASO to Travel to Canadian Rockies in support of the ASO
The Friends of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra (FASO) announce a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour the Canadian Rockies by luxury train. This spectacular trip is a fundraiser for the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra.